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4 Days Mount Meru Trek

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Day 1: Arrival & pre-climb briefing at a Moshi/Arusha 

Nestled at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro, the town of Moshi welcomes you with open arms as you arrive at your lodge. In the evening, a pre-climb briefing awaits, led by an experienced guide and supported by a knowledgeable consultant, setting the stage for the adventure that lies ahead

Day 2: Hotel to Momella gate to Miriakamba Hut 

The drive from Arusha to Momella Gate takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes, setting the stage for an exciting trek. Along the way, trekkers are treated to magnificent views of Mount Kilimanjaro and the stunning Momella lakes. Wildlife encounters, including Bushbucks, Cape Buffaloes, Giraffes, and Warthogs, add a touch of enchantment to the journey before reaching the peaceful refuge of the Miriakamba hut.

Day 3: Miriakamba Hut to Saddle Hut 

Today’s trek takes us along a challenging path that winds steeply along the ridge of the saddle. Along the way, breathtaking sights await, including the awe-inspiring Meru crater, the striking ash cone, and the captivating presence of little Meru. As we navigate the rugged terrain, keep an eye out for the majestic Cape Buffaloes and the lively black and white Colobus monkeys. Our destination for the day is the Saddle hut, where we will settle in before embarking on a short acclimatization trek to little Meru (3810m), further immersing ourselves in the splendor of this remarkable landscap

Day 4 : Saddle Hut to Socialist Peak to Miriakamba Hut 

In the early hours of the morning, just after midnight, we rise from our slumber and nourish ourselves with a light meal, preparing for the ultimate ascent to Socialist Peak. The path ahead is arduous, with steep inclines and treacherous gravel and rocky cliffs, challenging our physical and mental strength. 

However, the reward awaiting us at the summit is immeasurable, as we are greeted by the awe-inspiring vistas of the majestic Meru Crater and the striking Ash cone. As we traverse the rocky ridge, we may be fortunate enough to spot elusive mountain Reedbucks and agile Klipspringers. After conquering the peak, our descent begins, leading us straight down to the comforting embrace of the Miriakamba hut, marking the triumphant conclusion of this extraordinary journey.



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